Worldwide Express Shipment
Worldwide Express Shipment
Worldwide Express Shipment

Order Tracking

For all inquiries regarding your orders and to obtain information about our products, you can reach us at or submit a support request by filling out our contact form.
* Email
* Order Number

When Receiving Your Product

Before signing the shipping receipt, please inspect your product for any damage or issues. If there is any damage or deficiency for any reason, return the package without signing any documents related to the delivery, along with a request for a report to be prepared by the courier. Once you fulfill this obligation, new products will be promptly sent to you. We do not assume responsibility for the damage or deficiency of the products inside the box if you accept items with damaged packaging or claimed missing content. Please inform us in writing at as soon as possible, including your order number and tracking number, in the event of any such issues. Sometimes, even if you have paid your customs duties, local branches of shipping companies may intentionally or unintentionally request additional taxes from you. In such cases, please contact us in advance.

Customer Care

For all inquiries regarding your orders and to obtain information about our products, you can reach us at or submit a support request by filling out our contact form.